Media Resources

Media Resources

Paper industry’s recycling performance reaches highest level ever in 2019

Paper industry’s recycling performance reaches highest level ever in 2019

Cepi welcomes game-changing ideas to support the sustainability commitment of our industry

Cepi welcomes game-changing ideas to support the sustainability commitment of our industry

New JRC study misinterprets satellite data on forest cover and risks misguiding EU climate policy choices

New JRC study misinterprets satellite data on forest cover and risks misguiding EU climate policy choices

PRESS RELEASE: EuRIC joins the European Paper Recycling Council to achieve European Green Deal targets

Call for modification of SUPD definitions to achieve Circular Economy objectives

Cepi study: Climate effects of the forest-based sector in the European Union

PRESS RELEASE: Launch of the European alliance for a Green Recovery

Press Statement – Tribute to the #paperpeople: they make sure you have the essentials

TEG report’s draft technical screening criteria for forestry creates legal uncertainty and ignores the long-term characteristics of forests

TEG report’s draft technical screening criteria for forestry creates legal uncertainty and ignores the long-term characteristics of forests

Enhancing the EU forest policy framework through a stronger EU forest strategy post 2020

EPRC PRESS RELEASE: Collection and recycling of used paper more important than ever in times of health crisis

EPRC PRESS RELEASE: Collection and recycling of used paper more important than ever in times of health crisis