Media Resources

Media Resources

Interview with CEPI Director General Sylvain Lhôte in Belgian daily newspaper Le Soir (in French)

Interview with CEPI Director General Sylvain Lhôte in Belgian daily newspaper Le Soir (in French)

Sponsorship and visibility opportunities at European Paper Week 2017

Sponsorship and visibility opportunities at European Paper Week 2017

LULUCF: Forestry, paper and agri-sectors team up in favor of a dynamic forest reference level

Reaction by Sylvain Lhôte, Director General at CEPI to ENVI (Environment) Committee vote on LULUCF

Reaction by Sylvain Lhôte, Director General at CEPI to ENVI (Environment) Committee vote on LULUCF

EU launches trade investigation against Turkey following complaint by the European paper industry

Unlock demand side flexibility for European consumers, innovation and the climate

European paper industry reaction to the US administration’s withdrawal from Paris Agreement on climate change

European paper industry reaction to the US administration’s withdrawal from Paris Agreement on climate change

Methodology for the development of a systematic approach to derive suitable BAT-AELs ranges

Circular Economy: three leading industries renew call for a single measure of ‘real’ recycling rates

CEOs of the Global Paper and Forest Industry discuss future direction of industry

Statement from the alliance of energy intensive industries on the clean energy for all Europeans package