Media Resources

Media Resources

Why the EU-US TTIP needs to be top notch

Why the EU-US TTIP needs to be top notch

Standardisation bodies vote to improve quality of paper recycling

WBCSD Press Release: Global Forest Products Companies Come Together to Support Forest Certification

Commission proposal will benefit Asian industry

Response to Commissioner Potočnik’s comments on the EU Air Policy Review

CEPI comments on the discussion document ‘Paper Vapour – the climate impact of paper consumption’ from the European Environmental Paper Network

CEPI comments on the discussion document ‘Paper Vapour – the climate impact of paper consumption’ from the European Environmental Paper Network

ERPC declares 2013 paper recycling awards winners

ERPC declares 2013 paper recycling awards winners

Growth reinvented – CEPI announces European Paper Week 2013

Growth reinvented – CEPI announces European Paper Week 2013

EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: additional bilateral market openings and regulatory convergence to deliver competitiveness and a level playing field

EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: additional bilateral market openings and regulatory convergence to deliver competitiveness and a level playing field

Paper industry supports landfill and incineration ban for paper at High Level EIP meeting

Paper industry supports landfill and incineration ban for paper at High Level EIP meeting

Forests and the forest-based sector are back on the EU radar screen

Forests and the forest-based sector are back on the EU radar screen