Media Resources

Media Resources

EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: additional bilateral market openings and regulatory convergence to deliver competitiveness and a level playing field

EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: additional bilateral market openings and regulatory convergence to deliver competitiveness and a level playing field

Growth reinvented – CEPI announces European Paper Week 2013

Growth reinvented – CEPI announces European Paper Week 2013

Forests and the forest-based sector are back on the EU radar screen

Forests and the forest-based sector are back on the EU radar screen

Open letter addressing DG Connect’s paper-free communication policy

Open letter addressing DG Connect’s paper-free communication policy

EMS Cross-Border: let subsidiarity and innovation prevail!

EMS Cross-Border: let subsidiarity and innovation prevail!

End-of-Waste = end of recycling?

End-of-Waste = end of recycling?

Extra emission cut should be wake-up call

Extra emission cut should be wake-up call

The cloud begins with coal – An overview of the electricity used by the global digital ecosystem

Europe recycles 71.7% of paper and board used in 2012

Europe recycles 71.7% of paper and board used in 2012

Low sulphur fuel directive: EU industry competitiveness again disregarded

European Commission urged to release the EU Forest Strategy