DOWNLOAD THE POSITION PAPER ON EU 2040 CLIMATE TARGETS Cepi represents the European pulp and paper industry and...
Position Paper
Position Paper
Position paper on the EU Forest Monitoring Regulation
Cepi welcomes and encourages all efforts to further increase the knowledge base on European forests and forest...
Statement on the Net Zero validation process of the SBTifor companies in the Timber and Wood fiber sector
Read the full document here.
Briefing: EUDR and recycled paper
Read the full document here.
Joint statement on Green Claims
The undersigned associations recognise that, given that consumers can only make more sustainable choices if they have...
Joint Industry Statement on mandatory re-use and refill targets
Download the Joint Industry Statement on mandatory re-use and refill targets.
Joint letter on Electricity Market Design – Coalition of energy buyers calls on policymakers: do not discourage industries from using renewable energy
Download the Joint letter on Joint letter on Electricity Market Design - Coalition of energy buyers calls on...
Position paper: The 2040 European climate target: leveraging the contribution of forest-based industries
The European pulp and paper industry fully supports the EU objective to reach climate neutrality by 2050. We provide...
Position paper: Targeted reform of the Electricity Market Design
Cepi, the Confederation of European Paper Industries, welcomes with relief the European Commission’s proposal for the...
Assessing the impact of PPWR’s reuse targets, a short explainer
Download the document here.