Media Resources

Media Resources

Press release: Legislating on packaging and waste, the EU Parliament still needs to take into account what has already been achieved in the paper and board sector

Press release: Legislating on packaging and waste, the EU Parliament still needs to take into account what has already been achieved in the paper and board sector

Story from ground: bio-based materials as a solution to micro-plastics… and more!

Story from ground: bio-based materials as a solution to micro-plastics… and more!

Story from ground: Paper-based packaging gets better a taking different shapes

Story from ground: Paper-based packaging gets better a taking different shapes

Story from ground: How a paper producer’s own testing lab supports recyclability

Story from ground: How a paper producer’s own testing lab supports recyclability

Press release: Pulp and paper manufacturers are innovating their way out of CO2 emissions

Press release: Pulp and paper manufacturers are innovating their way out of CO2 emissions

Press release: Spanish EU Presidency & Circular Choices Coalition propose new approach on how to make competitiveness and the EU Green Deal work

Press release: Spanish EU Presidency & Circular Choices Coalition propose new approach on how to make competitiveness and the EU Green Deal work

Press release: European print and paper industry unite against the ‘digital only’ approach in legislation

Press release: European print and paper industry unite against the ‘digital only’ approach in legislation

Event: Circular Choices for a competitive EU bioeconomy

Event: Circular Choices for a competitive EU bioeconomy

Deloitte Report 2023 on Cepi statistics

Deloitte Report 2023 on Cepi statistics

Press release: The Paper value chain reached a 70,5% recycling rate in 2022

Press release: The Paper value chain reached a 70,5% recycling rate in 2022

Joint Industry Statement on mandatory re-use and refill targets

Joint Industry Statement on mandatory re-use and refill targets