How Cepi works
The European association representing the paper industry (Cepi) is a non-profit-making organisation. Cepi is headed by Director General Jori Ringman with a staff of 21 employees, based in Brussels. It has four standing committees, which take long-term strategic perspectives on the issues affecting the industry. These are the Environment and Safety, Climate Change and Energy, Forest and Recycling committees under which a number of ad-hoc issue groups operate. The Association Directors’ Group (ADG) is the senior advisory group to the Director General of Cepi and is composed of Director Generals of National Associations.
Cepi is managed by a 33-person Board, and is composed of representatives of National Associations and Chief Executive Officers (CEOs). The Board is currently chaired by Marco Eikelenboom, CEO of Sappi Europe. It approves Cepi’s policies, strategies and objectives as well as its business plan and budget as proposed by the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee is composed of two members from the ADG and four Board members, and is a formal link between committees and the Board, driving policy areas. Cepi ‘s Director General ensures compliance of Cepi actions with Board decisions and consistency of policy between the committees
Mission and Vision
- To secure pulp and paper industries competitiveness towards EU policy makers
- To represent the paper industry with EU institutions and Brussels based stakeholders
- To improve the image and visibility of the paper industry and other related industries
- To be the example of how competitiveness and sustainability can go hand in hand
The Board is the ultimate decision-maker in Cepi. It is composed of chairmen from National Associations and CEOs from the 15 largest companies. The Board elects the Cepi Chairman and Vice-chairman. The incoming chairman and the outgoing chairman serve a year before and after serving as the chairman. The Steering Committee members and the Director General are appointed by the Board. It approves policies, strategies and objectives proposed by the Steering Committee. Furthermore, the Board approves the budget and supervises Cepi finances.
Marco Eikelenboom (Sappi Europe)
Representatives from Effective Members
Martin Zahlbruckner, Austropapier, Austria
Pierre Macharis, Cobelpa, Belgium
Roman Senecky, ACPP, Czech Republic
Tapio Korpeinen, FFIF, Finland
Christian Ribeyrolle, COPACEL, France
Hans-Christoph Gallenkamp, DIE PAPIERINDUSTRIE, Germany
Dimitris Theocharis, EVICHE, Greece
Attila Bencs, CSAOSZ, Hungary
Michele Bianchi, ASSOCARTA, Italy
Gisle Løhre Johansen, Norsk Industri, Norway
Marek Sciazko, SPP, Poland
António Redondo, Biond, Portugal
Paul-Henri Kohler, ROMPAP, Romania
Stefan Bohacek, ZCPP, Slovak Republic
Leopold Povše, GZS, Slovenia
Eduardo Querol, ASPAPEL, Spain
Lotta Lyra, SFIF, Sweden
Rienk Jan van der Kooi, Royal VNP, the Netherlands
Patrick Willink, CPI, UK
Company representatives
Ivar Vatne, BillerudKorsnäs
Ignazio Capuano, Burgo
Miles Roberts, DS Smith
Henrik Sjölund, Holmen
Peter Oswald, Mayr-Melnhof Karton
Ilkka Hämälä, Metsä Group (Vice Chair)
Andrew King, Mondi
Geir Olav Drangsland, Norske Skog
Maximilian Heindl, Progroup
Ramon Alejandro, SAICA
Ulf Larsson, SCA
Saverio Mayer, Smurfit Kappa Europe
Hans Sohlström, Stora Enso
Massimo Reynaudo, UPM
Piotr Pogorzelski, provides support from the Cepi Secretariat to the Board.
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee is composed of two members from the ADG and four Board members, and is a formal link between committees and the Board, driving policy areas.
ADG (Association Directors Group)
The Association Directors’ Group (ADG) is the senior advisory group to the Cepi Director General. It is composed of Director Generals of National Associations. The ADG ensures that the industry speaks with one voice throughout Europe and coordinates implementation of Cepi strategies on national level.
The Association Directors’ Group proposes areas for common action and identifies experts in the industry to support Cepi. It also contributes with national perspectives to European positions.
Piotr Pogorzelski provides support from the Cepi Secretariat to these Groups.
CEOs Forum
The CEOs forum is an informal gathering of European paper industry CEOs, established by the Cepi Board, to review common issues, be updated on Cepi activities, which they contribute to through National Associations, and to participate in the ongoing reflection of the future of the industry. The members meet twice a year, on the occasion of the Board Spring meeting in one of the member countries and in Brussels in connection with the General Assembly and Annual Session of Cepi. The forum looks at subjects of general interest, presented by an outside speaker, and followed by a discussion.
Sustainability Strategy and Communication and transversal issues under the Director General.
Social affairs is supervised by the ADG.
The Committees are responsible for strategy and political perspective in the policy areas.
Issue Groups are formed by the Steeering Committee as needed, to work on the problems/issues identified by the Committees.