Attracting and retaining young people to the pulp and paper industry – EU project “Turn the Page” concludes

Paper workers and industry call for safeguards over unintended effects of EU climate policies on jobs, global competitiveness, and climate itself

IndustriAll European Trade Union, representing the interests of the sector’s workers and Cepi, the Confederation of paper and pulp producers, jointly call on the European Parliament to revise a number of aspects of the EU’s ‘Fit for 55’, the Union’s flagship legal...
Future skills for the paper industry

Future skills for the paper industry

Like other industries in the EU, Europe’s pulp and paper sector has noticed that fewer young people are joining its workforce than in the past. The EU’s population is ageing and stagnating, which is an additional concern for its future workforce. These trends are...

Skills & Qualifications in the Pulp & Paper Sector

Today and tomorrow skill needs of the European Industry require updating the education and training offer. Today, the European Social Partners in the Pulp and Paper Sector, CEPI and industriAll Europe, presented a set of policy recommendations that should contribute...