Industry Transformation

The European pulp, paper and board industry is a world leader and a net exporter as well as the provider of 1.5 million direct and indirect jobs in Europe.

Pulp, paper and board are based on renewable raw materials originating from sustainable sources and are recyclable. They contribute directly and indirectly to environmental protection, climate action, green growth and sustainable development. They are manufactured by an industry that has substantially reduced its footprint on the environment, while reaching high social standards. At the core of the bio economy, is the production of not only the original bio-based product – paper and board, but also new and innovative products that can substitute for fossil fuel-based products through the efficient use of renewable raw materials.

EU markets have been fully open since January 2004, unlike some competitors in their home countries. About one third of EU paper and board exports face tariff barriers! The sector is seeking a level playing field for both its products and its raw materials through multilateral and bilateral negotiations and high level talks with EU trading partners. Free access to pulp and paper and board foreign markets, but also raw materials and energy is a must. Fair competition is also vital to the European pulp, paper and board industry and its workers, who need a strong set of trade defence tools.


Press release: EU hails biotech & biomanufacturing as ‘most promising tech area of the century’ as sector’s innovation leaders meet in Brussels

Press release: EU hails biotech & biomanufacturing as ‘most promising tech area of the century’ as sector’s innovation leaders meet in Brussels

Press release: A week dedicated to the bioeconomy in Europe shows it is key to EU’s future climate and industrial policies

Press release: A week dedicated to the bioeconomy in Europe shows it is key to EU’s future climate and industrial policies

The Biogenic carbon loop in the pulp and paper sector: an alternative to fossil carbon in other industries

The Biogenic carbon loop in the pulp and paper sector: an alternative to fossil carbon in other industries

Letter Commissioner Breton – Call for a new definition of renewable carbon

Letter Commissioner Breton – Call for a new definition of renewable carbon

Press release: Antwerp Declaration for a European Industrial Deal – Industry leaders call for 10 urgent actions to restore competitiveness and keep good jobs in Europe

Press release: Antwerp Declaration for a European Industrial Deal – Industry leaders call for 10 urgent actions to restore competitiveness and keep good jobs in Europe

Press release: Pulp and paper producers take stock of their investments in climate action

Press release: Pulp and paper producers take stock of their investments in climate action

Press release: <strong>EU associations launch coalition for a more competitive, and ambitious, EU bioeconomy</strong>

Press release: EU associations launch coalition for a more competitive, and ambitious, EU bioeconomy

Press release: <strong>Paper industry impacted by high energy prices and eroding economic growth in 2022</strong>

Press release: Paper industry impacted by high energy prices and eroding economic growth in 2022

Press release: <strong>A collaboration between the paper industry & heat pump producers could halve its energy needs & help decarbonise the sector</strong>

Press release: A collaboration between the paper industry & heat pump producers could halve its energy needs & help decarbonise the sector

Social Affairs

FIELDS: Addressing the current and future skIll needs for sustainability, digitalisation, and the bio-economy in agriculture

FIELDS: Addressing the current and future skIll needs for sustainability, digitalisation, and the bio-economy in agriculture

Attracting and retaining young people to the pulp and paper industry – EU project “Turn the Page” concludes

Attracting and retaining young people to the pulp and paper industry – EU project “Turn the Page” concludes

Paper workers and industry call for safeguards over unintended effects of EU climate policies on jobs, global competitiveness, and climate itself

Paper workers and industry call for safeguards over unintended effects of EU climate policies on jobs, global competitiveness, and climate itself

European Social Partners investigate skills and education needs for the paper industry

The paper sector social dialogue calls for boosting the re-industrialisation of the EU

The paper sector social dialogue calls for boosting the re-industrialisation of the EU