The European Paper Sector Social Partners welcomed more than 60 participants from all across Europe for a conference in Vienna to discuss the preliminary research results on the education and training systems and typical curricula relevant for the paper sector in Europe. This extensive research will build the foundation for a gap analysis that will be the second step towards policy recommendations to policy makers, training providers and industry.
“It is high time for us to tackle the challenge of potential future skills mismatches in our sector” said Peter Schuld, Vice-Chairman of the Paper Sector Social Dialogue Committee“. The analysis from key experts demonstrates that we urgently have to adapt to the technological developments and prepare for the transformation within our sector by providing the relevant skills.”
The pulp and paper industry is a sustainable and innovative sector with great potential in Europe, if it continues to look into the future of the sector and the skills needed. At the same time, it is facing an image and perception challenge that deters youngsters to join the industry workforce. This fundamental message was unanimously shared by the training and education experts as well as industry and trade union representatives at the mid-term conference of the European Paper Sector Social Partners’ project on the future skills and competences in their sector.
“Our sector is part of the bio-based industries and will remain competitive – a message that we have to broadly disseminate”, stated Bernard de Galembert, Chairman of the Paper Sector Social Dialogue Committee. “To overcome the lack of appeal, we need to develop identify targeted campaigns to address the general opinion and in particular youngsters and catch their interest for a highly innovative and sustainable sector.”
The project intends to deliver policy recommendations that will be available in November 2016.
For any further information, please contact:
industriAll Europe: Corinna Zierold Tel +32 (0) 2 226 00 55,
CEPI: Bernard de Galembert Tel +32 (0) 2 627 49 27
The EU paper sector social dialogue brings together the paper workers and employers from the EU member States, represented by IndustriAll European Trade Union and CEPI.