European agri-production is faced with several challenges (globalisation, increasing competition, price volatility, low incremental crop productivity, climate change…) whilst the demand for food and feed is increasing. Moving from business-as-usual agriculture to sustainable farming is a complex process that involves reshaping the role of the farmer from a mere producer of food and commodities, into a “wise manager of the natural capital”, requiring a transfer of innovations and skills in the areas of sustainability, digitalisation and bio-economy. More production from sustainable agriculture and forestry in a circular economy loop are needed, requiring knowledge transfer as well as completely new skills at the levels of agriculture and forestry.

FIELDS is an Erasmus+ project with a purpose of providing strategies and training in the fields of innovation in agriculture and forestry, with particular emphasis on sustainability, digitalisation and bio-economy.

Main objectives are:

  1. Identify global trends and skill gaps
  2. Design a strategy at the EU and Country level to improve the skills
  3. Provide training material and training pilot to implement these strategies
  4. Allow transferability of the skills among EU countries following European frameworks (ESCO, EQAVET and so on)
  5. Provide sustainability and awareness of the project after the project ends

Please contact Giulia Fadini at in case of questions.