Press release: Wood fibre-based ‘biorefineries’ double turnover in 3 years to €6 billion

Press release: EU hails biotech & biomanufacturing as ‘most promising tech area of the century’ as sector’s innovation leaders meet in Brussels

The European Commission released today a communication on ‘Boosting biotechnology and biomanufacturing in the EU’. The publication was a positive sign for the members of the Circular Choices coalition, a group of 20 EU trade associations representing providers of...
Press release: Wood fibre-based ‘biorefineries’ double turnover in 3 years to €6 billion

Press release: A week dedicated to the bioeconomy in Europe shows it is key to EU’s future climate and industrial policies

Until recently the idea of a forest-based sector and of a circular bioeconomy seemed to have gone out of favour in EU policymaking. But the sector has demonstrated a high level of resilience in time of crisis and showed the advantage of being able to rely on local...