In 2005, the Forest-based Sector Technology Platform (FTP) produced its Vision 2030, and in 2006 its Strategic Research Agenda. To remain relevant and ambitious as well as to reflect the objectives of Horizon 2020, the EU’s research and innovation funding programme for 2014-2020, the two documents have now been revised. This document is the new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRA). An Annex to this document contains greater detail on the 19 priority research and innovation areas identified for the sector. These have been classified under four Strategic Themes, which together form the framework we believe is required to meet major challenges facing European society.
The updated Vision document sets its sights on a changing world with an ever increasing need for sustainable and resource-‐efficient production of biomass and products, whilst the SRA will map the way to achieving this objective; the forest-‐based sector is strongly positioning itself as a key actor and enabler of the evolving biobased society.
FTP was set up in 2005 to define a vision for the future of the sector and identify priority areas for innovation and research. It is one of 36 recognised European Technology Platforms (ETPs), established as industry-led initiatives encouraged by the European Commission to define research objectives and roadmaps for delivering the agreed goals. It is owned by the following European confederations: CEI-Bois (European Confederation of Woodworking Industries), CEPF (Confederation of European Forest Owners), CEPI (Confederation of European Paper Industries) and EUSTAFOR (European State Forest Association).