The European forest fibre and paper industry envisions itself at the forefront of a climate-friendly bioeconomy in which renewable raw materials are replacing fossil resources and are “kept in the loop”, contributing to a better environment and quality of life.
The pathways to this destination, reducing greenhouse gas emissions while creating added-value, were first outlined in 2011 in CEPI’s landmark “2050 Roadmap to a low carbon bioeconomy”. Building upon an expert review of the identified pathways and recent developments, this paper explores the investment agenda that the roadmap
implies for industry. It also underscores that this unprecedented industry transformation will be “made in Europe” if policies, both at EU and national levels, and financing conditions are best aligned to make it happen. This paper will serve as a platform to consult stakeholders on the pathways and conditions industry has identified to lead
the transition towards a low-carbon and resource-efficient bioeconomy.
The stakeholder’s discussion paper can be consulted via the attached document below and is open immediately for contributions.
For further information on our 2050 roadmap please contact Bernard de Galembert at or by phone (+32) 262 749 27
For press related enquiries please contact Ben Kennard at or by phone (+32) 487 3921 82