Policy briefing: decarbonising whilst being recycling pioneer

Oct 16, 2019

The challenge: decarbonising whilst being recycling pioneer


Delivering a circular economy, needs a successful European recycling industry. In September 2017 the European Commission published its “New Industrial Policy Strategy”. One of the key levers to create jobs, boost Europe’s competitiveness, foster investment and innovation in clean and digital technologies, whilst “building on Europe’s leadership in a low-carbon and circular economy”. The European paper industry fully supports this approach. The industry has already reduced carbon emissions by 26% since 2005, (now accounting for less than 1% of EU GHG emissions), reduced energy consumption by 11%, while increased the share of renewable energies to almost 60% of final energy. The industry delivered a 72.5% paper recycling rate, (making the EU the best performing region in the world) whilst at the same time developing innovative bio-based products.

The full document can be downloaded below.

For more information about the briefing, please contact Nicola Rega, CEPI’s Climate Change & Energy Director at or (+32) 485 403 412.