On 1st March CEPI organised for the second time a Sustainability Stakeholder meeting, inviting representatives from several stakeholder groups to discuss and give feedback on the 2011 Sustainability Report of the European paper industry.
In the spirit of the World Café Format the event involved four tables moderated by CEPI directors and managers. Each table focused on one topic and through rotation every participant was able to give feedback on all themes: Resource Efficiency, Economy, Environment and Social Affairs.
Discussions evolved around forestry and the role of sustainable forest management as well as social affairs and the need to attract more young people to the sector. The benefits of our sector on rural areas has to be described more clearly in the next report. Resource Efficiency, Innovation and our ‘Made in Europe’ slogan are thought to appear as part of each of the sustainability pillars (economy, environment and social affairs) throughout the report rather than as separate chapters. Participants also would appreciate a list of challenges for the industry as part of the content of the next report.
Representatives from WWF, IndustriAll, Sappi, ACE, PaperImpact, FSC, PEFC, CEPF, Omya, Buckman, EcoSynthetix, FEPE, Intergraf and Emma participated in the stakeholder meeting.
The content of the discussions will feed directly into the next sustainability report due to be launched in November this year.
For more information, please contact Daniela Haiduc, CEPI Communications and Public Affairs Manager