How does the competitive European industry contribute to climate neutrality?

Jun 1, 2022

Fit for 55: How does the competitive European industry contribute to climate neutrality?
Reaching 2050 targets by supporting sustainable industries

13 June 2022
14:00 – 15:00 CET

  The role of European industry extends far beyond its contribution to the economic growth of Europe.
The sustainable value chains of manufacturing industries, such as the forest fibre and paper sector, provide meaningful employment, reduce continuing dependence of Europe on fossil fuels and help cutting carbon emissions of other sectors.

The European policies need to ensure that the sustainable industry can flourish in Europe. The panellists will identify the relevant policy tools in the “Fit for 55” package that can create a truly enabling framework.
Join the last Cepinar of the Fit for 55 series on 13 June to hear more from the experts!

Heiko Kunst
Acting Head of Unit
Unit B2 – ETS (II): Implementation, Policy Support & ETS Registry, European Commission
Judith Kirton-Darling
Deputy General Secretary
industriAll European Trade Union

Marco Eikelenboom 
Sappi Europe

Małgosia Rybak
Energy & Climate Change Director

The panel discussion will be followed by a Q&A session


Recordings of the other Fit for 55 Cepinars are available below.

How to stay competitive in the global market?
available here.

  What does it take to become a front-runner?
available here.