Forest-based sector launches children book during European Forest Week

Dec 11, 2013

“The Unexpected Forest” features adventures from Spik and Booksy in the forest – a lovely story that describes sustainable forest management and timber use without the usual facts and figures

Four main forest related European associations – namely the Confederation of European Forest Owners (CEPF), the European State Forest Association (EUSTAFOR), the European Confederation of Woodworking Industries (CEI-Bois), and the Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI) – published jointly a children book that explains in a carefully scripted story the concept of sustainable forestry and forest industries. They launched the book together with Santa Claus during the European Forest Week in his hometown Rovaniemi, Finland this week.

“Our friend Big Oak is threatened by a great danger!”

The charmingly illustrated booklet entitled “The Unexpected Forest” features Spik the pencil and Booksy the notebook, who go into the wood and discover the secrets of the forest. They realise they are part of a larger cycle, that starts with sustainable forest management. Spik and Booksy meet with the people working in the forest and with forest products and learn that they themselves once came from the forest.

The book was written by Magali De Rijck and beautifully illustrated by Roseline d’Oreye. Published by CEI-Bois, CEPF, CEPI and EUSTAFOR, it is already available in English, French, Swedish and German. It is meant to reach youngsters between the ages of 5-8 years old, to help educate them on the importance of forests and forest products in their daily lives.

Paper copies of this limited edition booklet are available on request.




Note to the editor

European Forest Week, 9-13 December 2013:

The European Forest Week constitutes events in Rovaniemi and throughout Europe, highlighting the contribution of forests, forest products and services to a green economy. It raises the visibility of the forest sector and the multiple services forests contribute to daily live

CEPF – Confederation of European Forest Owners

European Forestry House

66, Rue du Luxembourg

B-1000 Brussels

Tel. +32 2 2392300

CEI-Bois – European Confederation of Woodworking Industries

Rue Montoyer 24

BE-1000 Brussels

T: +32 2 556 25 85

CEPI – Confederation of European Paper Industries AISBL

250 Avenue Louise, box 80

B-1050 Brussels

Tel: +32 2 627 4911

Eustafor – European State Forest Association AISBL

European Forestry House

Rue du Luxembourg 66

1000 Brussels

Phone: +32 2 239 23 00