Council adopts legal acts for public and private partnerships

May 7, 2014

The Council of the European Union has adopted the legal acts for a new generation of public and private partnerships that will allow large-scale, long-term innovation projects to be carried out under the umbrella of Horizon 2020, the EU’s research and innovation framework programme.

The innovation investment package, which implements the Innovation Union strategy to stimulate the creation of growth and jobs, will contribute to pool research and innovation investments up to 22 billion € in sectors facing major societal challenges in the next seven years.

Five public-private partnerships will be set up or further developed as Joint Technology Initiatives (JTIs). One of them is the bio-based industries (“BBI”), to develop new and competitive bio-based value chains that replace the need for fossil fuels and have a strong impact on rural development.  The industry is organised in a Bio-based Industries Consortium, with CEPI being one of its members.

The Consortium currently brings together more than 60 European large and small companies, clusters and organisations across technology, industry, agriculture and forestry. They have all committed to invest in collaborative research, development and demonstration of bio-based technologies within the Public Private Partnership (PPP).

You can find out more about it at