Cepi Statistics Terms of Use

Nov 20, 2023

All statistics and statistical reports produced and/or published by Cepi are protected by intellectual property rights.

Any reproduction, distribution or communication of the content of any Cepi statistical report (including, but not limited to, data tables) or Cepi publications in whole or in part is submitted to the prior explicit written permission from Cepi.

However, statistical information included in the ‘Preliminary Statistics’ report, the ‘Key Statistics’ report and the press releases made available to the public by Cepi (by email, by post or on Cepi’s public website) may be freely reproduced and communicated provided that they clearly mention Cepi’s copyright.

Subscribers may only use statistics and other content provided by Cepi for internal purposes. When previously authorized by Cepi, any reproduction and communication must clearly mention Cepi’s copyright. Any use for commercial purposes is prohibited. Any breach to the terms of this license shall authorize Cepi to terminate it with immediate effect, and constitutes a violation of Cepi’s copyright.

Users must provide accurate contact information when subscribing to Cepi reports, and must identify the organisation for which they work. Misrepresentation is grounds for cancellation of the subscription without refund.

For more details on Cepi’s Statistics Terms of Use please contact:

Ariane Crevecoeur, Cepi Statistics Manager, at